Monochrome painting-Sponge technique (Online course)


Sponge is an old acquaintance in painting, with its help you can create wonderful effects, especially when it comes to painting spherical pictures that have depth and shine from them. The painting process itself is like a meditation-like state.


Language: German (with English subtitles):


Level: Suitable for beginners and advanced

Time: 42 minutes

Price: 35 Euros (45 Us Dollar)



The fee for the course is to be transferred to the following account.
After the amount has been received, the file will be sent via WETRANSFER as a mail.

For EU citizens:

Bejan Enukidze
IBAN: DE93 3002 0900 0307 7010 25

For non EU citizens

Via PayPal:

Email Adress:
The publication of the course is not allowed


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